Dublin Zoo has welcomed two Venezuelan red howler monkeys.
The two males, both aged five, arrived from Tierpark Berlin and are settling into their new habitat very well.
The species typically live in the rainforests of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil, and have a unique black coloured face and a thick red coat.
They get the name ‘howler monkey’ from their roaring and howling calls, which can be heard up to FIVE kilometres away.

Zoo Staff 'Delighted'
Venezuelan red howler monkeys live in a group called a troop and spend most of their time high up in trees.
They are mainly leaf-eaters and have developed special teeth that help them to chew tough leaves.
The species is only seen at eight other European zoos, and Dublin Zoo is delighted to offer visitors the opportunity to see these amazing animals this Easter.
Eddie O’Brien, team leader at Dublin Zoo said:
“We are really pleased to welcome these howler monkeys to the South American House at Dublin Zoo."
"We can’t wait for visitors to see them and learn more about this incredibly interesting species.”