
The Phil Cawley Show

Monthly Book Review

Every month, Phil Cawley and our book reviewer Karen Maloney, invite you to join them in reading a n...

9:55 AM - 7 Jul 2014

Monthly Book Review

The Phil Cawley Show

Monthly Book Review


9:55 AM - 7 Jul 2014

Every month, Phil Cawley and our book reviewer Karen Maloney, invite you to join them in reading a new book. This month, it was The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.

Thanks to everyone who sent us in a review. The winner of this months prize, which is a €60 book voucher thanks to Abtree Books & Stationary in Lucan, is Olga Foley.

Olga's Review:

"Hi Philip, so you asked for reviews of this book. I had been meaning to read it for a while after a recommendation and your show spurred me on. So quick summary of the storyline- Julian Mantle is a high flying lawyer who suffers a heart attack and goes on a trek to India for a spiritual awakening with the help of Himalayan gurus who give him simple advice. Later John passes on this wisdom to his assistant John through a series of contrived stilted dialogues. Unfortunately we as the reader don't get to witness how John puts this teachings into practice.Overall I think this boom will resonate with people who struggle with a work/life balance.The book is short and easy to read. It delivers valuable lessons for personal growth albeit with a fair amount of cliches. I liked this book. I feel it has enlightened me- for now. I also feel it is a book that needs revisiting from time to time to reopen our eyes to the important things in life."

You can also find out what our reviewer Karen thought of the book by checking out her blog - 

Karen will be back on the 26th of July to talk about our next book, Tuesdays with Morrie. Give it a read and let us know your thoughts at 

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