
The Paul McLoone Show

Rolling Stones' 'Beggars Banquet' Is Paul McLoone's #ClassicAlbumOfTheWeek

The Stones' 7th UK album and 9th US album, Beggars Banquet is this week's #ClassicAlbumOfTheWeek fro...

6:59 PM - 14 Dec 2017

Rolling Stones' 'Begga...

The Paul McLoone Show

Rolling Stones' 'Beggars Banquet' Is Paul McLoone's #ClassicAlbumOfTheWeek


6:59 PM - 14 Dec 2017

The Stones' 7th UK album and 9th US album, Beggars Banquet is this week's #ClassicAlbumOfTheWeek from Paul McLoone.

With tracks like Sympathy For The Devil and Street Fighting Man, it is widely considered as the album that changed everything for the Rolling Stones.

Beggars Banquet reflected the band's transition into maturity - they went back to basics and made it their own. 

Keith Richards said "When we had been in the States between 1964 and '66, I had gathered together this enormous collection of records, but I never had any time to listen to them. In late 1966 and '67, I unwrapped them and actually played them."

The band had defied drug busts and public scrutiny and were stronger from it. Apart from Brian Jones, who was largely absent in the writing and recording and died after its release.

These experiences coupled with Richards American influences, birthed Beggars Bush.

Jean Luc Goddard's film One Plus One captures the essence of Sympathy For the Devil, check out the video below.

The Paul McLoone Show features a #ClassicAlbumOfTheWeek every week and Paul spins tracks across the week.

The Paul McLoone Show, Monday to Thursday from 9pm.

Rolling Stones - One Plus One 1 from Elhoyodelconejo on Vimeo.

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