
The Ian Dempsey Breakfast Show

When is it OK to ask a woman if she's pregnant?

For those tempted to ask a lady if she's 'with child', here's a helpful guide as to when that would...

10:05 AM - 29 Aug 2013

When is it OK to ask a woman i...

The Ian Dempsey Breakfast Show

When is it OK to ask a woman if she's pregnant?


10:05 AM - 29 Aug 2013

Poor Jennifer Aniston is constantly being forced to dispel pregnancy rumours - every time she’s pictured showing a slightly rounder tummy the rumour mill begins. She recently had to confess that she’s just put on a few pounds.

Is it ever ok to ask a woman if she’s pregnant? 

The topic excited Ian Dempsey Breakfast Show listeners who shared their thoughts and experiences on twitter and text:

@Claredaisy -  not unless you see a baby actually coming out of her body and even then be careful

@JaneyHurley - Yes if you are a radiographer about to xray her. Pretty much no other time

@MartinFitz - you can when you get a call from a vaguely recognizable voice 6 weeks after a night in coppers when you were up for the match

@emerkspain - Its better to leave a pregnant woman standing then ask a fat woman sit down 

@molltrot - not unless your own private army on high alert with a preplanned escape route

NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER  ask a woman if she is pregnant.  I was once asked wen i was due and my answer was "i had my baby 26 years ago,when are u due urs?". Kay

I didn't ask my girlfriend, and she never asked herself. Ended up in hospital and was told its not cramps its just labour. Tell you now it was a surprise for everyone...

Hi Ian that happend to my wife - my first son was six months old when a women in dunnes stores asked her when she was due. I was was with my wife at the time and it was hard to hold back the laughter because I knew I'd get a slap. From Stephen

Shane Rooney - @IanDempsey don't ask until she's in the delivery room

Tom Hackett @IanDempsey I once congratulated a client on being pregnant, to be told she wasn’t. I only made that mistake once.

If you know a woman well enough you would have known she was pregnant and if you didn't it's not your business. Róisín

Bren - @IanDempsey of course it's ok to ask, it would be the motivation some might need to shed a few pounds!

Met a friend of mine yesterday and had noticed that she had put on weight. Never occurred to me she might be pregnant., but would never ask anyway. She is pregnant she told me! Helena.

If you know a woman well enough you would have known she was pregnant and if you didn't it's not your business. Róisín

In all fairness, if she's fat enough to be mistaken for being pregnant should expect people to comment on it. John, Dublin

Here are some of the reasons why you should never ask a woman if she’s pregnant:

  • She could ruin her self esteem: she’ll think you think she’s fat
  • She may just have gained some weight or be wearing unflattering clothing
  • She’s pregnant and doesn’t want to tell you
  • She’s pregnant but it’s still early days
  • She’s trying to get pregnant and doesn’t want anyone to know
  • She doesn’t know whether or not she’s pregnant

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