Record producer Sir George Martin, known as the "Fifth Beatle", has died, aged 90.
In a career spanning five decades, Sir George signed the Beatles and produced more than 700 records.
Famously, Martin walked out of the band's first recording session at Abbey Road to go to the canteen. But when the group started playing Love Me Do, a tape operator was despatched to fetch him – and the rest, as they say, is history.
Thank you for all your love and kindness George peace and love xx😎✌ï¸ðŸŒŸðŸ’–
— #RingoStarr (@ringostarrmusic) March 9, 2016
Is Adele going to get a Chic make-over? Apparently, if Nile Rodgers has his way, she better get her disco ball ready! She hinted last week that there may be a new song by the end of the tour but it’s not written yet – and she has another 101 shows to do so it could take a while. Her music producer Paul Epworth is in cahoots with Nile at the moment about the possibility of a song!
Johnny McDATE. Look away Courteney Cox! Johnny McDaid hooked up with Galway girl Megan Scully in LA – according to the Sun. She works for MTV news. Johnny allegedly broke up with Courtney in December because she was too motherly and too smothering, and so ended the engagement. Ed Sheeran played matchmaker there so maybe invite him over and tell him to bring a friend again. (He knows everyone. EVERYONE).
Amy Huberman has revealed that she and BOD are eyeing up a move Stateside.
She said she would love to live in LA with the rugby legend and their kids Sadie, 3, and Billie, 1.
However, Amy said she would only up sticks if she had already secured a role – and said it would be a fun little adventure.