
The Ian Dempsey Breakfast Show

I Am SO Fired

It's all over the news today that one Jeremy Clarkson has been suspended from the BBC over a "fracas...

11:33 AM - 11 Mar 2015


11:33 AM - 11 Mar 2015

It's all over the news today that one Jeremy Clarkson has been suspended from the BBC over a "fracas" with a colleague. Rumour has it he threw a punch at a producer on Top Gear after learning that there was no food laid on after a day's filming - bringing a whole new meaning to the word "hangry".

ANYWAY, it got us thinking on the Ian Dempsey Breakfast Show, about that awful dreaded "I'm SO FIRED Feeling" that everyone gets at least once in their careers. (Much, much more than once, for some). So we put it out to our listeners; give us your "I'm SO Fired!" moments! Bunch of chancers....


I had to abandon a company car during the big floods in 2002 as I couldn't get through traffic, mistake, came back, car floating in the middle of the road, 2 laptops in the boot....never got my Pearl Jam CD back... kept my job!  Bren

Hi lads. Many years ago I worked in a heart transplant unit and we were given an external artificial heart pump to practice using ; the engineer from America who designed it was there to explain its operation.  He said "this is impossible to accidently switch off" ....anyway during practice I did manage to do just that, and as they say " exited stage left" leaving a very worried engineer muttering to himself! Mike in Galway

Years ago I was working in a clothes shop in town. At lunchtime I went to Harry Ramsden's in Jervis for soakage after a late one and fell asleep at the table for nearly three hours! Thought I was soon fired but all good. Barry

Hi guys, I once left hand break off fully loaded truck of scaffolding. It rolled into neighbouring yard, would have gone through the office if it hadn’t hit a pole first - still sweat about that one! Anon

I once caused 20,000 damage by kicking a ball in a storeroom of a sports shop I worked in. Got away with a warning. lol. Des limerick

Doing security when I was young, I fell asleep and a load of stuff was stolen from the warehouse. Had some explaining to do...kept the job though!

Hi guys - I once put petrol in my diesel car - company car....and boss was in the car with me at the time!

Hi Ian, I used to wash up in a local hotel when I was a teenager and when the pots were too hard to wash I used to throw them in the bin. Little did I know I was throwing it into the slop bin that used to be sold to farmers. We all got called in over it, as farmers started complaining but I never owned up. Lucky I’ve more sense now.

I work in HR. I was asked to send on internally the CV of a member of staff to a few top people. Instead of doing that, I sent it to the actual person whose CV it was. We all had a lot of explaining to do. As soon as I hit send I knew I had done the wrong thing and I started to hyperventilate! Oh man I thought I was for the chop! Ann

Ian I was a DJ in a club in Gran Canaria. I fell asleep in apartment and missed entire night. Dj Topper

I slept in after a massive session on my second week in my job. I called in and said I was sick...but had been spotted by the HR lady in the pub the day before. NOOOO! Kept my job though! Laura

I once commented about my boss “He’s a fine thing, but a bit old” to another colleague. Her response? “That’s my Da!”




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