We've all had those days. You know the type - you had a run in with the boss, you got soaked at lunchtime, you left your wallet on your desk and only realised at the checkout and you missed the bus home. Nothing can save this day. Except a good big cuddle.
If you were listening to the show this morning, you'd have heard Ian mention Randy Ralston. According to him, cuddling is the key to Irish happiness. But what if you don't have anyone to cuddle?! Never fear, Randy is the man behind the 'Irish Cuddle Salon'. Yes, this is a thing. His facts state that hugs release the feel good hormone oxytocin and reduce stress levels. In fact, studies show that just 20 seconds of contact can boost a mood for 24 hours.
So, there you are. Feeling miserable and need a boost? Grab your nearest and dearest and give them a good 'oul squeeze. Get your minds out of the gutter, this is a family show. If you don't have a cuddle buddy, don't stress, you can simply head along to the 'Irish Cuddle Salon' and hug it out. Altogether now....HOLD ME NOWWWWWWW!