
Weekend Breakfast With Alison Curtis

New Irish Parenting Podcast Packed Full Of Expert Advice You Can Trust

Being a parent is one of the most rewarding but challenging things you can do. Whether you're an exp...

3:29 PM - 24 Jan 2020

Weekend Breakfast With Alison Curtis

New Irish Parenting Podcast Packed Full Of Expert Advice You Can Trust


3:29 PM - 24 Jan 2020

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Being a parent is one of the most rewarding but challenging things you can do.

Whether you're an experienced or new parent, or you have a little one on the way, there will be many changes along the way and things will always happen that surprise you.

However, where do you turn to when you have a question?

With an overload of information online, it can be hard to know what information to trust.

That's where HSE's comes in.

HSE's is a new HSE pregnancy and child health website.

The site is a one-stop-shop for parents to access accurate and trusted information and advice from experts. site contains evidence-based valuable information on pregnancy, labour, birth, babies and toddlers, from qualified Irish healthcare professionals, taking you from pregnancy all the way through to the first three years of your child’s life.

It also includes extensive breastfeeding information, videos and guides as well as the ‘Ask our Breastfeeding Expert’ service, which offers parents personal advice online from our lactation consultants, ready to help answer any breastfeeding questions.

At just the click of a button you can access information on a huge range of topics. From pregnancy and post-natal changes to infant vomiting, diarrhoea and toddler tantrums, to weaning a child off the soother, and even preparing for school, is the go-to resource for all parents and parents-to-be, and their families.

Content will also be added regularly so you're always up to date with the best expert advice.

It's super easy to use, available on mobile and is provided completely free by the HSE.


The website launches alongside three new helpful books for parents.

Soon-to-be parents will begin with the ‘My Pregnancy’ book. This is a 224 page guide that will be given to them at their first antenatal appointment.

Parents will then receive the next books in sequence, ‘My Child: 0 to 2 years’ and ‘My Child: 2 to 5 years’, from their public health nurse.

These are all provided free of charge by HSE teams.

Childs Play

To celebrate the launch of the HSE's, Today FM's Alison Curtis hosted a very special podcast episode called Childs Play - Helping You Through The Highs And Lows Of The Early Years of Parenting

Alison spoke to three experts in the field who will help parents navigate their way through the early years of parenthood.

To listen to this podcast press the Listen button at the top of this page.

To find out more information check out


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