Lets face it most parents are faced with picky eaters in their homes and it can cause a lot of stress around meal times, here to help is Dietician Orla Walsh
Orla is a qualified Dietitian and member of the Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute (M.I.N.D.I.) and Self Employed Dietitians of Ireland (S.E.D.I.). She is also registered with CORU.
On Weekend Breakfast with Alison Curtis Orla covers:
- The basics in kids nutrition - do parents tend to over worry or manage their kids intake
- Any wonder foods kids can have daily that tick a lot of boxes in terms of nutrition?
- What are common root causes for picky eating?
- Do kids need more control or say in the food they eat?
- What are some warning signs to look out for and to seek further help for?
- What are some of your top tips on how to expand the food repertoire for kids?
Orla has a dedicated website: orlawalshnutrition.ie
And a child focused Insta:
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