Have you considered giving up alcohol for a month, perhaps for the health benefits?
Andy Ramage and Ruari Fairbairns, who both work as brokers, did just that - and it changed their lives for the better.
They are the authors of 28 Day Alcohol-Free Challenge, which aims to help others live life to the full without the need for alcohol.
As Ruari explains, his decision to give up alcohol stemmed from feeling lethargic. He only drank once or twice a week, but felt he needed to make a change: "I felt so much happier and healthier. My productivity shot and my business got better."
For Andy, who was a professional footballer before becoming a broker, drinking was "very much a social thing."
"My eureka moment was waking up on a weekend thinking, 'I've just traded another Friday night for a weekend.' I knew I was going to be tired and hungover and not quite with it. I've got young children and I wanted to do something different."
Why is it that some people seem to feel uncomfortable with a friend's decision not to drink in social situations?
"It's an innate tribalism," Ruari says. "Before we were old enough to drink, we've been watching people celebrate, commiserate and congratulate with alcohol. It's ingrained in our society. When you suddenly decide to step away from that, people get fearful."
Andy adds, "It makes people question their own relationship with alcohol and makes them a bit uncomfortable."
"We're here to demonstrate that you can still have a great time, be massively social and skip the hangover."
For the last four years Andy has been completely alcohol-free, and Ruari says he "hardly ever" drinks anymore.
They say the key to successfully giving up alcohol is to know the reasons why you want to do it. Many people feel so good after a couple of weeks that they want to continue with the challenge.
"The magic really happens between 28 and 90 days because you can't lock yourself away - you have to get involved and take on life alcohol-free, and that's when everything changes."