
The Last Word With Matt Cooper

Record Numbers Did Not Sit Leaving Cert Irish This Year

23% of Leaving Cert candidates did not register for Irish exams this year. It’s the highest figure r...
Today FM

4:00 PM - 26 Aug 2024

The Last Word With Matt Cooper

Record Numbers Did Not Sit Leaving Cert Irish This Year

Today FM

4:00 PM - 26 Aug 2024

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23% of Leaving Cert candidates did not register for Irish exams this year. It’s the highest figure recorded so far and there has been an increase each year since 2018 where 15% of students received exemptions.

Julian de Spáinn, Ard-Rúnaí - Conradh na Gaeilge and Donald Ewing, Head of Education and Policy, Dyslexia Ireland joined Matt to discuss.

Hit the ‘Play’ button on this page to hear the chat.

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The Last Word With Matt Cooper

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