
The Last Word With Matt Cooper

Motion on Baptism of Children of Unmarried Parents Defeated at Church of Ireland Synod

Why has the Church of Ireland's General Synod voted against a motion to allow all children of unmarr...
Today FM

1:50 AM - 14 May 2024

The Last Word With Matt Cooper

Motion on Baptism of Children of Unmarried Parents Defeated at Church of Ireland Synod

Today FM

1:50 AM - 14 May 2024

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Why has the Church of Ireland's General Synod voted against a motion to allow all children of unmarried parents be baptised?

Canon Gillian Wharton, Rector of Booterstowon, Dublin, Church of Ireland, and Professor Patricia Barker, Lay Member of the Church of Ireland Synod joined The Last Word to discuss.

Catch the full chat by pressing the 'Play' button on this page.

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The Last Word With Matt Cooper

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