
The Last Word With Matt Cooper

Most People Expect To Work Until 70

A new survey suggests that many people in Ireland expect to work until the age of 70 before they can afford to retire. Charlie Weston, Personal Finance Editor with The Irish Independent, joined The Last Word to discuss. Catch the full chat by pressing the 'Play' button on this page.
Today FM

12:45 AM - 7 Dec 2023

The Last Word With Matt Cooper

Most People Expect To Work Until 70

Today FM

12:45 AM - 7 Dec 2023

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A new survey suggests that many people in Ireland expect to work until the age of 70 before they can afford to retire.

Charlie Weston, Personal Finance Editor with The Irish Independent, joined The Last Word to discuss.

Catch the full chat by pressing the 'Play' button on this page.

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The Last Word With Matt Cooper

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