
The Last Word With Matt Cooper

Eir and Ryanair Are The Most Complained About Companies

The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) said that Ryanair and Eir were the two mos...
Today FM

3:00 PM - 14 Aug 2024

The Last Word With Matt Cooper

Eir and Ryanair Are The Most Complained About Companies

Today FM

3:00 PM - 14 Aug 2024

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The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) said that Ryanair and Eir were the two most complained about companies when consumers contacted them in the first 6 months of 2024.

Charlie Weston, Personal Finance Editor with the Irish Independent, joined Mario Rosenstock for The Last Word’s weekly personal finance slot to discuss this.

Hit the ‘Play’ button on this page to hear the conversation.

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The Last Word With Matt Cooper

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