
The Last Word With Matt Cooper

How To Avoid Skin Cancer

The sun can be very important for our health, particularly as it provides us with a source of vitami...
Sarah Stacey
Sarah Stacey

6:26 PM - 22 May 2019

The Last Word With Matt Cooper

How To Avoid Skin Cancer

Sarah Stacey
Sarah Stacey

6:26 PM - 22 May 2019

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The sun can be very important for our health, particularly as it provides us with a source of vitamin D.

However, too much sun exposure can result in various skin issues.

Sunburn can cause significant damage, and in some cases can eventually lead to skin cancer.

Dr Ray Walley joined us for our weekly medical consultation to discuss the ways we can protect our skin in the sun.

Sun cream should be applied generously, roughly every two hours. It's best to use at least SPF30, and to throw away any that has been opened and left over from the previous year.

It's also important to wear a hat and clothing that covers the skin as much as possible.

The sun can also be harmful to any moles that you may have.

While most moles are normal, you should visit your GP if you notice any changes such as itchiness, discolouration, bleeding or changes in texture and appearance.

How To Avoid Skin Cancer

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Read more about

Doctor Health Medical Ray Walley Skin Cancer Sunburn

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