In the latest installment of Shauna's School Run, Shauna travelled to Drogheda to meet the students of St. Joseph's CBS.
She spoke to all the kids from third and fourth class who were FULL of chat and had some very interesting insights into the world we live in.
She asked the boys what they thought about the introduction of a no-homework policy and whether or not traveling could make your life better.
A special shoutout to Cormac, Eoghan, Zakira, Rahaeem, Dylan, Eden, Jamie, Conor, Toby, Ryan, Kobi, Patryk, Finn, Sé, Evan, Ryan, Ronin, James, Emmanuel, Taylor and Rian.
And thank you to principal Sarah Bradley, secretary Sandra, teachers Mrs Dillane, Ms.Glacken and especially Mr Carberry who organised the visit.
To hear their answers press the play button above.