
The Ian Dempsey Breakfast Show

Listen: Graham Norton Jokes About His Retirement Plan

Graham Norton is a man of many, many talents; an eight-time BAFTA Award winner, BBC Radio 2 presente...
Stewart Griffin
Stewart Griffin

9:00 AM - 14 Jun 2019

The Ian Dempsey Breakfast Show

Listen: Graham Norton Jokes About His Retirement Plan

Stewart Griffin
Stewart Griffin

9:00 AM - 14 Jun 2019

Listen to this episode

Graham Norton is a man of many, many talents; an eight-time BAFTA Award winner, BBC Radio 2 presenter, he's got wine, prosecco and gin with his name on it and of course, we could never forget this icon:

Another title on his impressive list of achievements is bestselling author, with his first two novels receiving high appraisal in the literary world.

Speaking on The Ian Dempsey Breakfast Show, the 'Big Red Chair' guardian tells us about his latest release 'A Keeper', which  came out last year. He describes it as a voyage of discovery with a few surprises thrown in, "it's twisty, its turny. There's a few 'I didn't see that comings'".

An with it just been released on paperback, a shameless plug made its way in too, laughing as he says it's, "so affordable and so portable, you'd be a fool not to pick it up".

Norton also reveals some exclusive details about the plot of a new book he is working on. The 56-year-old has gone down a more serious route with this one, focusing on the horrific road accident stories he has heard on the Irish news of young adults involved in fatal car crashes, "it starts with the aftermath of one of those crashes, some people die and I follow the driver of the car who doesn't".

As always, a unique angle from the Cork man who admits, "I need to find a way to put some lightness in this book".

With all he has going on, he still says "I'm busy but I'm not that busy" and praises his beautiful hometown of Bandon for being the perfect location for summer retreats - a place where he can "not write a book every day".

When the topic of daytime TV quiz shows pops up, Ian tells him not to rule them out, to which he replies, "listen that's my retirement plan - I'm looking at formats all the time"

Graham is quite human too saying that although he's super happy with his success, "you can't feel like that all the time or you'd be like Polyanna, people would just hate you".

Iano then tells him how he's been sitting on the idea of writing his own autobiography for the past while, but he hasn't felt that urge to do it just yet - so Graham has some solid advice, "Do it, its like cheap therapy. You'll laugh, you'll cry. You'll get upset but you will enjoy it"

Check out the chat in full by pressing the play button on screen.


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Books Cork Graham Norton Ireland Writing

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