
Mairead Ronan

This Irish Couple Won The Opportunity Of A Lifetime To Be Caretakers Of An Island!

You might remember last autumn that there was a call put out for applicants to live and work on the...
Orla Ormond
Orla Ormond

5:06 PM - 3 Jul 2020

Mairead Ronan

This Irish Couple Won The Opportunity Of A Lifetime To Be Caretakers Of An Island!

Orla Ormond
Orla Ormond

5:06 PM - 3 Jul 2020

Listen to this episode

You might remember last autumn that there was a call put out for applicants to live and work on the Great Blasket Island for this year’s tourist season. A whopping 45,000 people applied and today Mairead spoke to the lucky Annie Birney who was chosen to do just that!

Annie and her partner Eoin arrived to the island last Wednesday, much later than initially planned as Covid-19 delayed things, and they've already settled in nicely. There is no electricity on the island, but they do have running water and a wind turbine powers a plug with just enough strength to charge a phone that they have in case of emergency.

Their duties as caretakers are to look after the 3 cottages on the island, meet the guests when they check in and make sure they're comfortable. And on days where bad weather prevents the boat travelling to the island, Annie and Eoin have the island all to themselves.

If you would like to visit this summer – boat tours or stay in the cottages – just visit

You can hear the chat in full by pressing the play button on screen.



Read more about

Blasket Islands Great Blasket Island Kerry Staycation Tourism

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