They’ve become best friends, a source of constant support but they’re a group of people who’d likely wish they’d never met.
Féileacáin are a volunteer run charity who offer practical help, unending support and guidance to people who have suffered pregnancy and baby loss.
Thinking of things no one should ever have to consider, they’ve become a lifeline to people suffering the most unimaginable sadness.
Celine Langton had first hand experience of Féileacáin when her daughter, Izzy, was born sleeping at 33 weeks.
She joined Dermot and Dave to chat about Izzy, the help she received from Féileacáin and to tell us about the Butterfly Run which will end Pregnancy and Baby Loss Week.
The Butterfly Run will take place on Saturday October 15th at Seán Moore park in Dublin. Tickets are available on Eventbrite