
Dave Moore

What Will Happen To Those Who Share Sexual Images Of People Without Consent Under Proposed New Bill

Imagine having an image of yourself shared around WhatApp groups, online forums or social media that...
Eimear Shannon
Eimear Shannon

11:25 AM - 23 Nov 2020

Dave Moore

What Will Happen To Those Who Share Sexual Images Of People Without Consent Under Proposed New Bill

Eimear Shannon
Eimear Shannon

11:25 AM - 23 Nov 2020

Listen to this episode

Imagine having an image of yourself shared around WhatApp groups, online forums or social media that you did not consent to with no legal ramifications for the person who has shared it.

This is the reality at the moment for people in Ireland who have been subjected to image based sexual assault/abuse (often referred to as revenge porn).

Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee, will this week bring a bill to cabinet that will tackle the sharing of intimate images without the consent of the person involved.

The news of the progression of the bill comes just days after thousands of sexual images of Irish people were discovered being shared on internet forums, including images of women in changing rooms and others that had initially been shared on popular sites like OnlyFans.

Speaking to Dermot and Dave, Linda Hayden of the Victims Alliance explained what the new bill will do and what you can do if you have been subjected to image based sexual assault or abuse.

What Will Happen To Those Who Share Sexual Images Of People Without Consent Under Proposed New Bill

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If you would like to speak to someone regarding image based sexual assault or abuse, you can call Women's Aid 24 Hour Helpline on 1800 341 900 or the Rape Crisis Network on 1800 778888.

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