
Dave Moore

Smelly Soaps, Fancy Paper And HB Sparklers: What Were Your Childhood 'Little Treats'?

The Body Shop has announced that they'll be closing in Ireland after 43 years and for many of us, it...
Today FM

10:45 AM - 22 Feb 2024

Dave Moore

Smelly Soaps, Fancy Paper And HB Sparklers: What Were Your Childhood 'Little Treats'?

Today FM

10:45 AM - 22 Feb 2024

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The Body Shop has announced that they'll be closing in Ireland after 43 years and for many of us, it's a sad ending to a lot of childhood memories.

Our Eimear used to get the fruity soaps and little oil balls for the bath as a 'little treat' when she was a kid and we heard from people all around the country who remembered their childhood treats!

Smelly Soaps, Fancy Paper And HB Sparklers: What Were Your Childhood 'Little Treats'?

00:00:00 / 00:00:00

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Dave Moore

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