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Dave Moore

Mortgage Switching Made Easy: How To Save Thousands Each Year

With tens of thousands of homeowners paying over-the-top on their mortgages, expert Martina Hennessy...
Stewart Griffin
Stewart Griffin

1:49 PM - 7 Jan 2020

Dave Moore

Mortgage Switching Made Easy: How To Save Thousands Each Year

Stewart Griffin
Stewart Griffin

1:49 PM - 7 Jan 2020

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With tens of thousands of homeowners paying over-the-top on their mortgages, expert Martina Hennessy explains how we can save €3,500, on average, each year and chop up to 6 years off the repayment

Ah the good aul mortgage; the 25/30 year financial noose that we could all do without. But unless your numbers have come up in the lotto, you'll have to keep chipping away at it.

Martina Hennessy, Managing Director of mortgage switching platform Doddl.ie, chats to Dermot and Dave about the simple ways Irish homeowners can make the switch and explains why shopping around is extremely worthwhile.

It's far less complex than you think and is obviously a growing trend going by this stat from Martina; "in the past four years, mortgage holders switching has trebled".

She also examines the age-old 'fixed rate vs variable rate' debate and answers listeners' questions re. tracker mortgages, financial circumstances changing, rental properties etc.

Catch Martina's valuable information in full by pressing the play button on screen. 


Read more about

Dermot And Dave Doddle.ie Martina Hennessy Switching Mortgage

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