
Dave Moore

At Last! Netflix Adds Bodyguard To Its Stream

Richard Madden on Demand?? Yes please! It's one of the most talked about TV show over the past year...
Stewart Griffin
Stewart Griffin

2:26 PM - 25 Mar 2019

Dave Moore

At Last! Netflix Adds Bodyguard To Its Stream

Stewart Griffin
Stewart Griffin

2:26 PM - 25 Mar 2019

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Richard Madden on Demand?? Yes please!

It's one of the most talked about TV show over the past year and now, after months of bemusement, Bodyguard has made its way onto Netflix Ireland & UK.

If you haven't gotten around to watching it just yet then now's the time because it's absolutely class!

Madden plays the role of war veteran David Budd who finds work with the Metropolitan Police Service, where he is assigned to protect the home secretary Julia Montague MP.

But things start to get out of control as he battles Montague's erratic behaviour, on top of his own demons:

Maria's Telly also takes a look at the new series Married at First Sight:

And she's giving This Time with Alan Partridge a go tonight. She's in for a treat!

Check out Maria's recommendations in full by pressing the play button on screen.


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Bodyguard Craic Dermot And Dave Netflix

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