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Dave Moore

'We're All Human': Irish Rugby Star Speaks About Mental Health Struggles

To read Hannah Tyrell's list of accolades is truly astounding. At the age of just 30, she has three...
Eimear Shannon
Eimear Shannon

11:50 AM - 27 Jul 2020

Dave Moore

'We're All Human': Irish Rugby Star Speaks About Mental Health Struggles

Eimear Shannon
Eimear Shannon

11:50 AM - 27 Jul 2020

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To read Hannah Tyrell's list of accolades is truly astounding. At the age of just 30, she has three All-Ireland medals, a FAI Women's Cup medal, a Six Nations and Triple Crown medal and has played at national level in both rugby 7's and 15's despite not taking up the sport until she was in her 20's.

Hannah has also been a vocal advocate of mental health charity Pieta, and on Mind Yourself Now with Dermot and and Dave, she spoke about her very personal reasons for getting involved with their FeelGood initiative.

From the age of about 12, Hannah struggled with low confidence and self-esteem which manifested itself in an eating disorder and self-harm. Throughout some of the highlights of her sporting career, Hannah was at her lowest in terms of her mental health.

Thanks to the work that Pieta do, Hannah has recovered and now uses her experience to remind people that we are all human and we all deserve to get the help we need, when we need it.

'We're All Human': Irish Rugby Star Speaks About Mental Health Struggles

00:00:00 / 00:00:00

Visit pieta.ie for more information on the FeelGood campaign and if you need to talk…call Pieta on 1800 247 247 or text 'help' to 51444.

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Dermot And Dave Mind Yourself Now Dermot And Dave Todayfm Hannah Tyrell Mind Yourself Now Pieta Pieta Feel Good Pieta House

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