
Dave Moore

Expert Advice On How To Stop Being So Hard On Yourself

"I AM enough" There's no doubt about it, when it comes to finding fault, we are all our own worst cr...
Stewart Griffin
Stewart Griffin

1:38 PM - 22 Jul 2019

Dave Moore

Expert Advice On How To Stop Being So Hard On Yourself

Stewart Griffin
Stewart Griffin

1:38 PM - 22 Jul 2019

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"I AM enough"

There's no doubt about it, when it comes to finding fault, we are all our own worst critics.

Notions like "I can't" or "that's stupid" creep into our psyche on a regular basis and it can be quite inhibiting for certain people.

Like did you know that 80% of our thoughts are negative? This figure is sure to explain why most of us have limited beliefs.

So if this sounds familiar, which I'm sure it does, then hypnotherapist and Happiness Trainer Pauline Rohdich has some very practical advice and methods to help you become more positive in life.

It was Pauline who informed us of the startling 80% statistic above and reveals that "the common denominator of all our emotional issues is actually this phrase 'I'm not enough'".

She continues to explain that "whatever we give our attention to is going to grow", meaning we need to nurture our mindfulness and make that shift to a positive mental attitude via repetition and taking back power from the past.

Check Pauline's enlightenment in full by pressing the play button on screen.


Read more about

Happiness Meditation Mind Yourself Now Mindfulness Pauline Rohdich

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