
Dave Moore

Cristiano Ronaldo Takes 5 Naps A Day To Help Stay In Peak Condition

How to look your absolute best in your 30's Being one of the best footballers in history is no easy...
Stewart Griffin
Stewart Griffin

1:50 PM - 16 Jan 2020

Dave Moore

Cristiano Ronaldo Takes 5 Naps A Day To Help Stay In Peak Condition

Stewart Griffin
Stewart Griffin

1:50 PM - 16 Jan 2020

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How to look your absolute best in your 30's

Being one of the best footballers in history is no easy feat.

In a sport where you're considered to be "pushing on" in your 30's, Cristiano Ronaldo is defying the odds. The Juve talisman looks fitter and stronger than ever and is still doing the biz!

The 34-year-old has this week revealed the secret tricks and techniques to be at his best. He eats little and often - six meals a day, therefore every 3-4 hours - to meet the high nutritional demand of being a footballer and support the fast metabolism that most athletes have.

Ronaldo's diet also allows him to have explosive muscles and a very low fat mass. He has a personal nutritionist who has been following him since his Real Madrid days.

He abides by a strict pilates routine in order to strengthen his core and treats any niggles with a £50,000 Cryotherapy chamber.

Away from his eating habits, and gruelling fitness regime, the shredded striker also ensures he gets eight hours sleep every night and that's in addition to five naps every day.

Dermot and Dave producer Maria Devereux chats to Dave about Ronaldo's lifestyle and loves the 5 naps-a-day angle.

Check out the fun in full by pressing the play button on screen. 



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Cristiano Ronaldo Dermot And Dave Football Lifestyle

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