
Dave Moore

Court Hears The Truth Behind What Happened In Johnny Depp's Bed

All eyes are on London at the moment for Johnny Depp's liable case against NGN. The actor has denied...
Sean Reidy
Sean Reidy

12:43 PM - 8 Jul 2020

Dave Moore

Court Hears The Truth Behind What Happened In Johnny Depp's Bed

Sean Reidy
Sean Reidy

12:43 PM - 8 Jul 2020

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All eyes are on London at the moment for Johnny Depp's liable case against NGN.

The actor has denied being a "wife beater" and accused his ex-wife Amber Heard of being the abuser in their marriage .

In a day one of the case Depp documented his drug-taking history, which started at the age of 11, and how he realised his marriage was over when he found feces in his bed.

The court heard a claim from Depp that Heard punched him in the face on a plane and also threw bottles of vodka at him, severing his finger.

Depp is suing The Sun's publisher, News Group Newspapers (NGN), after an article referred to "overwhelming evidence" that he attacked Heard during their relationship.

This morning Dermot & Dave spoke to  Sean Dilley a BBC News Correspondent who was outside the court in London. Hit play to hear all the details about what was heard in court.

Court Hears The Truth Behind What Happened In Johnny Depp's Bed

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Johnny Depp

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