
Dave Moore

Couples Around Ireland Reveal The Pettiest Things They Fight About

So it turns out that Ireland is just full of couples who are in a battle to the death with their par...

4:46 PM - 13 Feb 2020

Dave Moore

Couples Around Ireland Reveal The Pettiest Things They Fight About


4:46 PM - 13 Feb 2020

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So it turns out that Ireland is just full of couples who are in a battle to the death with their partners about the stupidest things in the world.

Dermot & Dave's Dave Moore knows more about this than the average person as he is currently in a silent battle with his wife over a diffuser.

He moves it to one place, she moves it back and back and forth it goes without a word spoken between them.

Turns out The Moores are not alone! Listeners told us all about their rage-filled silent battles including blue murder over the toilet roll direction and full blown fights over butter dishes.

We're a petty bunch. Happy Valentine's Day!

To hear the chat in full press the Listen button on this page.

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Dermot And Dave Relationships Valentines Day

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