

Woman in Serious Condition After Dublin Dog Attack

A woman remains in hospital following a dog attack in Dublin yesterday afternoon. She's being treate...
Alex Rowley
Alex Rowley

8:19 AM - 6 Sep 2024

Woman in Serious Condition Aft...


Woman in Serious Condition After Dublin Dog Attack

Alex Rowley
Alex Rowley

8:19 AM - 6 Sep 2024

Woman in Serious Condition After Dublin Dog Attack

A woman remains in hospital following a dog attack in Dublin yesterday afternoon.

She's being treated for serious injuries at St. Vincent's Hospital after the incident at a home in Dún Laoghaire.

Gardaí are investigating the attack involving a number of dogs, which are now in the care of the local dog warden.

Today FM understands the woman was in her 50s, and a neighbour came to her aid after hearing screams from her apartment.

The woman's condition is described as serious but stable.

The breed of the dogs is unknown.

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