

Tori Towey Travel Ban Lifted And Free To Leave Dubai

Taoiseach Simon Harris has confirmed in the Dail that the travel ban against Tori Towey has been lif...
Ben Finnegan
Ben Finnegan

12:50 PM - 10 Jul 2024

Tori Towey Travel Ban Lifted A...


Tori Towey Travel Ban Lifted And Free To Leave Dubai

Ben Finnegan
Ben Finnegan

12:50 PM - 10 Jul 2024

Tori Towey Travel Ban Lifted And Free To Leave Dubai

Taoiseach Simon Harris has confirmed in the Dail that the travel ban against Tori Towey has been lifted and they will bring her home as soon as she is ready.

The 28-year-old from Roscommon - has been accused of attempted suicide and alcohol consumption.

The Taoiseach Simon Harris said her case is distressing and she is the victim of male violence.

He told the Dáil this afternoon she's free to leave Dubai and the embassy will take her to the airport as soon as she wants to go.

More to follow...

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Dubai Tori Towey

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