

Taoiseach "Angry" Over Defence Forces Review Following Attack On Natasha O'Brien

The Taoiseach has strongly criticised the Defence Forces after it emerged it’s reviewing how many se...
Caoimhseach Connolly
Caoimhseach Connolly

9:41 AM - 25 Jun 2024



Taoiseach "Angry" Over Defence Forces Review Following Attack On Natasha O'Brien

Caoimhseach Connolly
Caoimhseach Connolly

9:41 AM - 25 Jun 2024

The Taoiseach has strongly criticised the Defence Forces after it emerged it’s reviewing how many serving members have convictions for gender-based violence.

It’s after a 22-year-old solider received a suspended sentence for a violent unprovoked attack on Natasha O’Brien on O'Connell Street in Limerick city in May 2022.

Cathal Crotty, of Parkroe Heights, Ardnacrusha, Co Clare, last Thursday received a fully suspended sentence for the assault which he boasted about on social media.

Judge Tom O'Donnell said Mr Crotty's actions were "utterly appalling", but said he had "no doubt" if he imposed an immediate jail sentence on Crotty his army "career is over".

Bosses in the Defence Forces are now examining if other members were allowed remain in the organisation after being found guilty of assault.

Speaking on his way into today's Cabinet meeting, Taoiseach Simon Harris, expressed his anger at the developments.

"It's a harsh thing for me to have to say as Taoiseach, but I feel I need to say it.

"Would the Defence Forces be carrying out the review that they're now carrying out, was there not so much public interest in this?

"There are people in the Defence Forces who clearly knew this was happening. Why did they do nothing?

"These are very serious questions, and as Taoiseach, I'm not satisfied in relation to this.

"I am really angry about it, because we're now seeing a flurry of activity, but that flurry of activity is only coming about because of the bravery of Natasha O'Brien".

Meanwhile, a protest will take place outside Leinster House this evening in solidarity with Natasha O'Brien.

Demonstrations took place across the country over the weekend in protest over Mr Crotty's suspended sentence.

A further rally will take place outside Dáil this evening at 6pm, with demonstrations in Limerick and Cork tomorrow and Thursday.

Natasha is urging people to show their support again.

"Absolutely come and join me. I mean, this is an issue in our entire society. I mean, there's gender based violence, but it's all violence.

"It's all violence that isn't being dealt with effectively".

Read more about

Defence Forces Attack Limerick Natasha O'brien Attack Simon Harris Defence Forces

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