

Study Finds Minimum Unit Pricing On Alcohol In Scotland Has Had Little Impact

The introduction of minimum unit pricing for alcohol in Scotland, has failed to curb problem drinkin...
Aidan Delaney
Aidan Delaney

8:46 AM - 7 Jun 2022

Study Finds Minimum Unit Prici...


Study Finds Minimum Unit Pricing On Alcohol In Scotland Has Had Little Impact

Aidan Delaney
Aidan Delaney

8:46 AM - 7 Jun 2022

The introduction of minimum unit pricing for alcohol in Scotland, has failed to curb problem drinking.

That's the finding of a study carried out by researchers from two universities in England.

They found there was no 'clear evidence' it dissuaded alcoholics from drinking.

In some cases, heavy drinkers spent almost 30% less on food and utility bills.


The policy was introduced here in Ireland in January.

A different study published in May of 2021 found that alcohol sales fell by almost 8% after the policy was introduced in Scotland.

A Scottish government spokeswoman said it would "carefully consider the findings" of the "large and complex study".

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