Major changes to speed limits are on the way for the country's roads.
They're set to reduce on national secondary roads from 100km/per hour to 80 km/hour.
While it will go from 80 km/hour to 60 km/hour on rural and local roads. It'll reduce to 30 km/hour in residential areas, towns and cities.
However, the changes won't affect motorways or primary roads such as the N7.
Junior Transport Minister, Jack Chambers, feels although the changes are radical, they are necessary.
"We've seen a shocking rise in fatalities and a really worrying trend with an increase [in road deaths] in three of the last four years.
"127 people have lost their lives so far this year, which has caused absolute devastation for families, and I think many tragedies which have shocked the nation.
"As minister, I want to bring initiative and a comprehensive response".