

New Teachers to Be Given €2,000 Incentive

New teachers are to be paid a 2 thousand euro incentive to take up jobs. It comes as schools struggl...
Alex Rowley
Alex Rowley

11:26 AM - 27 Jun 2024

New Teachers to Be Given €2,00...


New Teachers to Be Given €2,000 Incentive

Alex Rowley
Alex Rowley

11:26 AM - 27 Jun 2024

New Teachers to Be Given €2,000 Incentive

New teachers are to be paid a 2 thousand euro incentive to take up jobs.

It comes as schools struggle to hire staff.

High accommodation costs and the lure of teaching jobs abroad are among the reasons given.

According to the Irish Times qualified teachers who take up a full time role for the coming school year would receive the payment next summer.

The INTO has said it is needed, but they want to see details quickly before young teachers head abroad.

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