

Medics find Kenya massacre survivor

Medics in Kenya say they've found a survivor of the killings at Garissa University, two days after t...

12:15 PM - 4 Apr 2015

Medics find Kenya massacre sur...


Medics find Kenya massacre survivor


12:15 PM - 4 Apr 2015

Medics in Kenya say they've found a survivor of the killings at Garissa University, two days after the attack in which 148 people died.

19 year-old Cynthia Charotich had been hiding in the college since Thursday.

She says she stayed in a large cupboard and covered herself with clothes, refusing to come out even when some of her classmates did at the demands of the al-Shabaab gunmen.

In a statement, al-Shabaab is threatening more violence - claiming it would make the country's cities "run red with blood".

The attack has sparked anger across Kenya - and people of all religions have been protesting in Garrissa against Al Shabab.

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