

Man-Made Climate Change Caused Flooding Over Winter

Man-made climate change caused flooding since October 2023 in Ireland. A world-wide study found it c...
Ben Finnegan
Ben Finnegan

11:23 AM - 22 May 2024

Man-Made Climate Change Caused...


Man-Made Climate Change Caused Flooding Over Winter

Ben Finnegan
Ben Finnegan

11:23 AM - 22 May 2024

Man-Made Climate Change Caused Flooding Over Winter

Man-made climate change caused flooding since October 2023 in Ireland.

A world-wide study found it caused rainfall to be 20% more intense.

The study suggests rainfall in the past eight months has been an every five year event - and if temperatures rise to two degrees above the pre-industrial era - it would become an every three year event.

The research also says if that happens the storms would get about 4% more intense.

Farmers experienced serious issues due to flooding in that time period - with the researchers saying the study highlights the needs to consider how land-use can affect heavy rain.

Met Eireann says this study shows how important it is to plan for the future - and to mitigate as well as adapt to climate change.

Read more about

Climate Change Global Warming Met Eireann

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