The Labour Court is to intervene in nurses dispute over pay and conditions.
It has invited both the INMO and the government side to attend a formal hearing at 3.30.
More than 40,000 members of the INMO and PNA are set to get a 3 day strike underway tomorrow.
Today's talks could lead to the suspension of the strikes planned for tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday.
It's still not clear what sort of recommendation the court will make, and if the executive council of the INMO would agree to suspending the industrial action.
Members' update: we have been called in to a formal hearing at the Labour Court today. Set to begin at 3:30pm.
We ask members to stay united and patient and to keep informed through official INMO channels.#StandWithNurses#StandWithMidwives— Irish Nurses & Midwives Organisation (@INMO_IRL) February 11, 2019