

Keir Starmer Coming To Dublin In September Following Invitation From Taoiseach

The British Prime Minister will travel to Dublin in September following an invitation from the Taois...
Caoimhseach Connolly
Caoimhseach Connolly

10:24 AM - 18 Jul 2024

Keir Starmer Coming To Dublin...


Keir Starmer Coming To Dublin In September Following Invitation From Taoiseach

Caoimhseach Connolly
Caoimhseach Connolly

10:24 AM - 18 Jul 2024

The British Prime Minister will travel to Dublin in September following an invitation from the Taoiseach.

The newly elected Prime Minister, is due to make an official visit to Dublin on the 7th of September

The Taoiseach travelled to England yesterday for a dinner meeting with Keir Starmer in Chequers, where the two leaders agreed to hold a yearly summit.

After years of tricky relations between the UK and Ireland following, Brexit, both leaders were keen to stress a reset is now underway.

The British Prime Minister has committed to a stronger and deeper relationship with Ireland as he hosts the Taoiseach in the UK. Taoiseach Simon Harris and  British Prime Minister Keir Starmer at Chequers 17/07/2024. Image: Stephanie Rohan

They committed to hold a yearly summit where they’ll agree on a programme to work on between the two countries.

Taoiseach Simon Harris, says the significance of last night’s meeting couldn’t be overstated.

"I think, and again not for me to speak for the British Prime Minister, but my clear understanding from the engagement we had tonight is that both he and I want to see our teams intensively working on areas of mutual concern and mutual benefit.

"Being truthful, that hasn't been happening in the way, the manner, or the frequency which it would have in the past and which it must in the future".

The next chapter is how the British Prime Minister described this meeting with the Taoiseach.

The two leaders are likely to attend a football match between England and Ireland during the visit in September.

While serious talks were held last night, the old cliches were also rolled out with the two men enjoying a pint of Guinness and the Taoiseach gifting the British Prime Minister with a Donegal GAA jersey.

Reporting by Stephanie Rohan at Chequers 

Read more about

Keir Starmer Simon Harris Keir Starmer Chequers

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