

HSE Still A Long Way From Restoring Most Services After Cyber Attack

There is still a long way to go before most HSE services are restored, according to the executive. C...
Niall Colbert
Niall Colbert

3:47 PM - 27 May 2021

HSE Still A Long Way From Rest...


HSE Still A Long Way From Restoring Most Services After Cyber Attack

Niall Colbert
Niall Colbert

3:47 PM - 27 May 2021

There is still a long way to go before most HSE services are restored, according to the executive.

Chemotherapy services are now operating at between 80% and 100% capacity.

However, there is still major disruption to radiotherapy.

This afternoon, officials from the HSE insisted that progress is being made to get services back up and running.

Despite this, a decryption key provided by hackers isn't unlocking some systems.

HSE CEO Paul Reid says the hack continues to cause problems across the health service:

"The risk to our HSright now are carried across all aspect of healthcare."

"In any analysis or any judgment of what the risks are in the health system right now - they are extremely red hot."

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Cyber Attack Health Hospitals Hse Paul Reid

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