

Government Not Considering Covid Cert Checks For Hairdressers And Gyms

The Health Minister says the Government is not considering asking people to produce Coivd certs for...

Government Not Considering Cov...


Government Not Considering Covid Cert Checks For Hairdressers And Gyms

The Health Minister says the Government is not considering asking people to produce Coivd certs for accessing hairdressers or gyms.

The National Public Health Emergency Team is meeting later to discuss if further measures are needed to address the high Covid rates.

25,000 cases were reported last week, which is the third highest since the pandemic began.

The team will also be discussing a potential return of the work from home policy.

But Stephen Donnelly says such a measure is not on the cards as he "hasn't received any advice on that end".

NPHET Rule Out Another Lockdown

Yesterday the Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan said another lockdown isn't being considered.

"The word restrictions is a broad word – if by that you mean the closure of economic and social activities, the closure of certain sectors or segments of society."

"Nobody is ruling out things like that anywhere but at the same time, no one has an expectation that we're going to go back into that kind of environment.

"We're not planning and contemplating on that basis at this point in time."

The Health Minister says the CMO was asked many hypotheticals at yesterdays press conference.

"Generally they would prefer people to be opting for the safe option," he said.

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Covid Cert Gym Hairdresser NPHET Work From Home

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