

Gay men may be able to donate blood

A decision will be made in June whether the Irish ban on accepting donations from Men who have Sex w...

2:40 PM - 21 Apr 2016

Gay men may be able to donate...


Gay men may be able to donate blood


2:40 PM - 21 Apr 2016

A decision will be made in June whether the Irish ban on accepting donations from Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) will be lifted.

Other countries including Australia, Canada and Britain have switched to deferral periods, so gay and bisexual men can donate if they haven't had sex with a man in a defined period.

The Canadian Blood Services are reducing their deferral period for MSM donors from five years to one.

Dr Dana Devine says it's unfortunate that their method of categorising donors is a blunt instrument;

The Irish Blood Transfusion Service says it will make a decision in June whether to change its lifetime ban on receiving donations from gay and bisexual men.

It’s hearing from experts from countries which have switched to deferral periods, including the UK and Canada.

The Health Minister Leo Varadkar has previously said he would favour a one year deferral period if science backed it up.

Juliette Gash reports;

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