

Garda Sergeants and Inspectors join industrial action

Over 12,000 Gardaí are expected to withdraw their labour for four Fridays in November, in an unprece...

5:52 PM - 17 Oct 2016

Garda Sergeants and Inspectors...


Garda Sergeants and Inspectors join industrial action


5:52 PM - 17 Oct 2016

Over 12,000 Gardaí are expected to withdraw their labour for four Fridays in November, in an unprecedented move.

The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors has overwhelmingly voted to mount an escalating campaign of industrial action.

The GRA, representing their rank-and-file Garda colleagues, had already decided to withdraw their labour. However, the GRA has asked the Emergency Response and Regional Support units to report for duty on November 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th.

The AGSI says this is not an organised strike. They say the action involves officers not reporting for duty, on an individual basis.

AGSI President Antoinette Cunningham says the ball is in the Government's court:

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