The Minister for Education Norma Foley is urging this year's Leaving Cert students to opt to sit the state exams in June.
Sixth year students have until Tuesday to register whether they want to sit the exams or receive predicted grades, or both.
The Leaving Cert 2021 candidate portal closes on March 16th at 6pm.
All students must register, enter their subjects and confirm how they wish to be assessed.
Minister Foley said that it was "a wonderful opportunity" for this year's cohort to choose to receive predicted grades or undertake the exams in June.
"Personally I would be advocating that as many students as possible would take the exams in June," she said in an interview with Spin SouthWest.
"I would be urging students to give themselves the best opportunity and they would perhaps sign up for both or make an adjudication that would determine that whatever the outcome is, it is the best possible outcome and opportunity for the students themselves."
The Minister also said that students' wellbeing is paramount.
"I appreciate that this has been a very difficult time for all of society but particularly so for students and I think students have been absolutely magnificent in how they have dealt with the whole COVID-19 situation," she stated.

The measures implemented in the educational sector over the past year have been "an extraordinary achievement" by the school community and students, she added.
"We were very conscious in the first instance when schools reopened in September that students had lost a considerable amount of time from the previous March, particularly for our exam students," she said.
"Significant accommodations were put in place early in the year for the Leaving Certificate class of 2021, such as modifications to papers and changing of coursework deadlines.
"But equally I'm very conscious of the mental health and wellbeing of students, I'm very conscious that we should have significant provisions for that in our schools.
"This year I was very pleased to announce there was an addition 120 guidance counsellors appointed to our schools, there was also an additional 70 psychologists appointed, and also significant resources were provided online to support schools as well."
Minister Foley added that the Government website has a number of tips on how students can manage and improve their wellbeing.
As for fifth year students, the Minister said she is "very aware" of their loss of in-person teaching time.
"I am conscious of what they have lost and suitable accommodation will be made for that going forward as well as they would face into the Leaving Certificate next September," she said.
The educational sector has shown great resilience in the face of an unpredictable virus, she said, and that "all has been done" to meet the challenges as they arise.