Families Encouraged To Take 24 hour 'CyberBreak' today
Families are being encouraged to take a 24 hour 'CyberBreak' today.
The charity is challenging families to put their smart devices down from 5pm on Friday to 5pm on Saturday.
New research by CyberSafeKids highlights the negative impact of smart devices on young people, with almost a third of 12 to 16-year-olds saying they "find it hard to switch off from games and apps".
17% of eight-year-olds admitted they "waste time online", with that figures rising to almost 70% by the age of 16.
🤩CyberBreak day IS HERE! What have you planned for #CyberBreak from 5pm today?
❤️ just relaxing together
💪 going for a family walk
😋 baking something delicious together
💡 feeding your mind
👏 getting some fresh air
😎 board game mode on!
✅ Sign up NOW https://t.co/lpGWSLy5pd pic.twitter.com/jhxidt4gMl— CyberSafeKids (@CyberSafeKidsIE) October 20, 2023
The charity asked over 5,000 primary and secondary school-aged children how they view their online activity.
Alex Cooney, CEO of CyberSafeKids CEO, says teenage girls reported feeling more negative about their online experience.
"We saw a difference emerging at secondary school level with more girls feeling more negative about their time online than boys.
"We do know that girls are more likely to be using social media at that age.
"Boys are generally more likely to be gaming. So it was things like, you know, feeling jealous of others.
"So girls noted that more than boys".