People with vitamin and mineral deficiencies will be paying more for their supplements from this Friday.
Revenue has announced an increase of 23% VAT on things like vitamin C, iron and probiotics.
The Irish health Trade Association is calling on the Finance Minister to reverse the decision made by Revenue without a change in legislation.
The IHTA and retailers across Ireland have gathered over 75,000 signatures to a petition opposed to the increase which it says threatens the destruction of 1,800 jobs and 200 independent health stores with immediate closure.
IHTA spokesperson Jonathon Griffith says people's health will suffer as a result: 'People are taking personal responsibility for their health and that's something that the government is asking them to do and to eat better and this is just an extension of that process. So if you start to tax that process and give the message that they don't approve of that process then that's going to be very damaging for people's health