

Tusla Shoudn't Be Part of Adoption Bill -Burton

Labour TD, Joan Burton, has criticised proposed adoption legislation because it does not give comple...

10:35 AM - 16 Jun 2019

Tusla Shoudn't Be Part of Adop...


Tusla Shoudn't Be Part of Adoption Bill -Burton


10:35 AM - 16 Jun 2019

Labour TD, Joan Burton, has criticised proposed adoption legislation because it does not give complete access to birth information.

Joan Burton wants the issue of information treated separately to the issue of tracing birth parents as part of the new bill from Children's Minister, Katherine Zappone.

Under the adoption plans, adoptee's would have to contact the Child and Family Agency, Tusla which would contact birth parents before releasing any details.

Joan Burton says Minister Zappone needs to reconsider Tusla's involvement.  She says the agency is already overwhelmed with work.

Under the planned Adoption Bill, Tusla would have to contact a birth parent before releasing any information.  If they do not agree, the matter can be referred to the Adoption Authority.

Deputy Bruton says this is not acceptable as people would feel like children again looking for the adoption board to sit in judgement about a person's own information.

Joan Burton says it may have been 'a solution going back 10, 20, 30 years ago but it's not an acceptable solution now'.

Read more about

Adoption Bruton Legislation Tusla Zappone

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