

33 Degrees In Ireland A One-In-Nine Year Event

A temperature of 33 degrees in Ireland has gone from a one-in-180 year event, to one-in-nine as a re...
Ben Finnegan
Ben Finnegan

12:29 PM - 2 Jul 2024

33 Degrees In Ireland A One-In...


33 Degrees In Ireland A One-In-Nine Year Event

Ben Finnegan
Ben Finnegan

12:29 PM - 2 Jul 2024

33 Degrees In Ireland A One-In-Nine Year Event

A temperature of 33 degrees in Ireland has gone from a one-in-180 year event, to one-in-nine as a result of the changing climate.

Researchers at Maynooth University compared temperatures over the last 80 years and found record highs are increasingly likely.

The study also says 34 degrees in Ireland has got 28 times more likely since the 1940s.

Lead author is Professor Andrew Parnell from Maynooth University says they health system needs to prepare for such events:

"We know that other countries, for example, create little areas, say, in sort of local halls and other places where people can go to cool down specific sort of systems that they bring into those areas.

"Being ready for those kind of things in advance would be a really useful thing to do, I think."

However, there has been some complaints recently about recent conditions in Ireland with temperatures being cool for the time of year, in response Professor Parnell said,

"We're always going to get random weather events.

"The way I like to think of it is like on the first of January every year we roll the dice and if you get a six you get a really hot year and if you get a one you get a really cold year and that's still happening.

"But what we're doing is we're changing the faces on some of that some of those dice so what was a five is now a six we get twice as many extremely hot years.

"But of course we can still roll a one and a two and get a slightly colder year."

Meanwhile, Met Eireann says last month was the coldest June since 2015.

It had an average temperature of 13 degrees - three degrees below last year which was the warmest on record.

It was the 56th coolest June - out of 125 on record with temperatures below average almost everywhere.

Met Eireann says it was a relatively cool and dry month overall with the first half of June dominated by Arctic winds which were blocking high pressure.

The wettest period was in the middle of the month - however rainfall was below average everywhere.

The highest temperature was recorded at Dublin's Phoenix Park on the 24th - at 26.6 degrees.

Read more about

Climate Change Maynooth University Temperature

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