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2020 Dublin Marathon To Decide Entries Through Lottery System

Registration for next year's Dublin Marathon will take place through a lottery system, instead of th...
Niall Colbert
Niall Colbert

11:47 AM - 29 Oct 2019

2020 Dublin Marathon To Decide...

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2020 Dublin Marathon To Decide Entries Through Lottery System

Niall Colbert
Niall Colbert

11:47 AM - 29 Oct 2019

Registration for next year's Dublin Marathon will take place through a lottery system, instead of the first-come, first-served online process.

Organisers have come to the decision as demand for this past weekend's race could not be met, despite an extra 2,500 places being added.

People hoping to take part in the 2020 Dublin marathon will pay 15 euro to enter the lottery.

The fee will be refunded if the applicant is unsuccessful in the draw.

Entry to the 2020 KBC Dublin Marathon lottery will be open from the 1st November to 30th November 2019.

Jim Aughney Race Director said: “Many races that have more interested runners than they can accommodate have moved to a lottery registration system in recent years. Demand for the Dublin Marathon has never been greater, and we believe the lottery is the fairest system to offer all runners the same opportunity to participate.”

Read more about

2020 Dublin Lottery Marathon

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