

Blur or Oasis? We have an answer!

We are finally going to put to bed one of the greatest music debates in Pop History!! Friendships we...

2:35 PM - 28 Apr 2014

Blur or Oasis? We have an answ...


Blur or Oasis? We have an answer!


2:35 PM - 28 Apr 2014

We are finally going to put to bed one of the greatest music debates in Pop History!! Friendships were ended. Families were split. Lovers unloved. Fans rioted. The Earth went off it's axis...(okay maybe not)

But this was big news for anyone who wore baggy pants and sported a bowl head in the 90s...

Damon Albarn appeared over the weekend on a show in the UK called Newsnight.

But he also ended one of the most divisive Musical debates of the twentieth century.

It’s the English equivalent of Primetime they generally deal with serious global issues,  politics and pop culture and he was quite surprised at the question he was asked!!

(scroll to about 4:40 mins for the question..I love the way the interviewer blames his Editor)



So, there we have it. Liam will be effin chuffed like.

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