"Henni Smash!!"
YouTuber and Marseille fan Mohamed Henni breaks his TV whenever his team loses turning him into French football's Incredible Hulk..
Henni told the BBC World Service that he does it "to make people happy" and "not for theatre".
He's broken more TVs than Marseille have won games this season.
He has broken 26 televisions so far including some from last year. This season Marseille have lost 9 games.
They have won 10. And now he even breaks the TV even if they draw against a rubbish team!!
Henni often dresses for the occasion. Here he is in full golf gear taking a round out on his telly with a driver!
Check out this report on French television where they have a compilation of this mad yoke using a garden rake,
a hammer, anything that comes to hand…he has even cartwheeled into it smashing the screen.
It doesn’t come cheap each new telly sets him back about €400 but he now has over 1.1 million subscribers!!!